Tiger Athletics

Waynesville School district

Boys Varsity Golf

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Boys Varsity Golf vs. Lebanon HS

9.0 years ago @ 4:59PM
Game Date
Mar 21, 2016
TIGERSWaynesville MS/HS: 0

The Waynesville Tiger Boy's Golf Team began it's season today at Great Life Golf and Fitness in Lebanon, MO. The triangular match included WHS, Lebanon, and School of the Osage.
The weather was terrific and made for ideal scoring conditions. The match saw some nice play from all three squads. Lebanon won the meet with a team total 186, Waynesville was second with a 195, and Osage was last with a 208 team score. The Osage JV won with a score of 223, Lebanon 237, and WHS was in at 272 strokes.
WHS saw strong play from Senior Wade Howser and Junior Jackson TetreaultHowser shot a 42 and Tetreault came in with a team low 41 and was also the meet medalist. Both young men played very consistent and have had a very strong Spring practice. 
The Tigers bested their last year team score by 40 strokes. We went into this season wanting to see a 5 stroke individual improvement over each match from last year. I am very proud of this group at this early stage of the season. As our younger players continue to develop, I anticipate many more team goals to be reached this season.
The team has been blessed with a huge Freshman turnout the last two seasons and as we build toward the future, I can't say enough about their coachability. These young men have taken instruction very well and they all played well tonight. As with any sport, we find many areas to improve on, but we must remain focused and committed to the basics and doing all those things well before we start to see significant results.
Individual score were as follows:
Wade Howser  42                   Kevin Holbrook  63
Jackson Tetreault  41             Alec Chapman  67
Dylan Reynolds  54                Zach Hoyle  70
Isaac Brooks  58                    Jorge Rios  72
The Tiger's record is 1-1