Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys Varsity Golf vs. Waynesville Open
9.0 years ago @ 4:16PM
- Game Date
- Mar 24, 2016
- Score
- TIGERSWaynesville MS/HS: 0
The Waynesville Tiger Golf Team played a dual meet with Jefferson City today at the Piney Valley Golf Course on Fort Leonard Wood. The large amounts of overnight rain and cool temperatures wasn't enough to stop the match as conditions were wet, but very much playable.
The Jays had a much better go of it in the wet conditions as they downed the Tigers 164-209. Jefferson City's Gabe Trowbridge and Kent Uhlman were the meet medalists with 38's. Junior Jackson Tetreault was the low scorer for Waynesville with a 43.
In JV action the Jays beat the Tigers 193-270. Although the score seemed lop-sided, the young Tigers improved from Monday's score of 272. This slight improvement in team score, however, highlighted 3 score improvements and personal bests from Freshmen Alec Chapman, Zach Hoyle, and Jorge Rios. These steady score improvements are showing that focusing on the basics and playing regularly is paying off. It is always fun to watch the guys who have basically been playing for less than a month show improvement and get excited while playing. Our team always seems to be developing new players who will become the cornerstone of the program in years to come.
Other Waynesville Scores:
Wade Howser 46 Isaac Brooks 69
Dylan Reynolds 51 Kevin Holbrook 67
Alec Chapman 66 Zach Hoyle 68
Jorge Rios 69