Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys Varsity Golf vs. Waynesville open
9.0 years ago @ 6:38PM
- Game Date
- Mar 31, 2016
- Score
- TIGERSWaynesville MS/HS: 0
The Waynesville Tigers played a duel golf match today at Piney Valley Golf Course on Ft. Leonard Wood. I modified our match this evening to add a little fun to our season as the boys have been playing a lot of golf in the last couple of weeks, so it was a nice change of pace.
The format was a 2-man scramble in which two players team up and scramble their ball throughout the round. This allowed some of our golfers to play shots that they don't normally get to hit and it forces the two teammates to communicate and talk strategy from tee to green.
The weather was sunny and 75 compared to yesterday's peppering rain. The golf was as good as the weather as the teams battled shot to shot. The hot team was the Tiger's Wade Howser and Jackson Tetreault who together carded a nice 3 under par 33 to take medalist honors. In the end the Bulldogs outlasted the Tigers by a final team score of 162-182.