Tiger Athletics

Waynesville School district

Boys Varsity Golf

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Boys Varsity Golf vs. Waynesville Invitational

9.0 years ago @ 1:42AM
Game Date
Apr 18, 2016
TIGERSWaynesville MS/HS: 0

The Waynesville Tigers Hosted their 2015 Tiger Invitational today at Piney Valley Golf Course on Ft. Leonard Wood. The winds blew in excess of 30 mph at times, but play went on and as the wind soared, so did some of the scoring.
This tournament is unique in that 2 players play stroke play, 2 players play best ball, and 2 players play a 2-man scramble format. The 6 players combine to make up 4 scores for their team. 
We had a close match as Lebanon came out on top with a 360. The Tigers finishes with a team total 390. Osage finished 3rd after winning a scorecard playoff with Cuba. The individual medalist was Ian Barnes from Licking. The Tigers Jackson Tetreault was second with a 79 and Senior Wade Howser finished 3rd on his Senior Night. 
I am proud of my two top players as they are played well in tough conditions on a pretty tough golf course. 
The Tigers will next play on Thursday, April 23 at Osage National versus Osage, Lebanon, and Rolla. This match was moved from Piney Valley to Osage National so that we could experience another course similar to the courses we will be playing at conference and districts in the coming weeks.