Tiger Athletics

Waynesville School district

Boys Varsity Golf

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Boys Varsity Golf vs. Lebanon HS School

7.0 years ago @ 9:16AM | Rube Dowell
Game Date
Mar 20, 2017

The Waynesville Tiger Golf Team began its season last night with a match at the Great Life and Fitness golf course in Lebanon. The triangular meet with host Lebanon and School of the Osage was met with terrific Spring weather as temperatures were in the low 80's at the start of the match. 


Lebanon had a very strong showing with a team total of 152. Osage finished with a 180, and Waynesville came in with a 212. Meet medalist was Tryn Titus of Lebanon with a 1 under par 35.


The Tigers are very young once again this season with a mixture of some players having 1-4 years of experience and a lot of first year players. Senior Dylan Reynolds was the team medalist with a 45 followed by fellow Senior Collin Ronje with a 51, Junior Alec Chapman 56, Sophomore Ben Pollman 60, and Freshman Aaron Choi 63. Reynolds improved 2 strokes over last year's 47 and shows signs of continued improvement. He played well for most of the match, but it seemed a different part of his game kept him from scoring low on each hole. If he will keep working on his total game during the season, he stands a very good chance of performing well at the district tournament hosted by Waynesville on May 1st.


With so many young players (11 total), we have a nucleus of athletic kids who should help the team over the next few seasons. They all gained valuable experience in their first match and now have a better understanding of what practice means and why playing in the off season is so critical to development. I goaled each of them with scoring a legitimate double par, 72 and 3 of them managed to do that. Junior Kaleb Nadig (58), Freshmen Aaron Choi (63), and Archer Hedgepath (66). Nadig is a former hockey player and has adjusted to golf very quickly. Choi is very athletic and shown good hand-eye coordination. Hedgepath isn't as athletic, but he is a quick study and has relied on repetition to improve. With time and practice many of these young players should improve quickly and I am very excited to see them develop.
