Tiger Athletics

Waynesville School district

Boys Varsity Golf

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Boys Varsity Golf vs. Multiple Opponents

7.0 years ago @ 6:39PM
Game Date
Apr 17, 2017

The Waynesville Tiger golf team hosted the Waynesville Invitational Golf Tournament today at the Piney Valley Golf Course on Fort Leonard Wood. A threat of rain gave way to cloudy, cool conditions and nearly perfect Spring weather for golf. The 13 team tournament was won by the defending Class 4 State Champion Glendale Falcons with a team low 280 in our unconventional format of medal play, best ball, and scramble. 76 players participated in the 11 school tournament. 


This tournament is a good mid-season tournament for teams that may have a 6th person vying for a chance to play in the upcoming district tournaments. We invite mostly local schools, but have recently invited teams in our district as well so they can get an extra round in on our course. 


The Tigers will host the Class 4, District 5 tournament 1 May at Piney Valley. These types of tournaments would not be possible without the outstanding support and cooperation we receive from the Fort Leonard Wood MWR and the awesome staff at Piney Valley. We thank them very kindly for their efforts in helping us grow the sport of golf for our area youth.


The Tigers will next be in action on Thursday at the Osage National Golf Course in Osage Beach with a quadrangular meet with Osage, Lebanon, and Rolla.
