Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys Varsity Golf vs. Multiple Opponents
6.0 years ago @ 7:24PM
- Game Date
- Apr 16, 2018
The Waynesville Tiger Golf Team hosted their Waynesville Invitational Tournament today at the Piney Valley Golf Course on Ft. Leonard Wood. The temperature never did cooperate with the Sun as it reached 50 on the thermometer, but the wind chill barely made it out of the 30's.
The course was in great condition for the crazy weather we have been having and we owe a great thank you to the Piney Valley staff for preparing the course for play. The overall MWR staff at Ft. Leonard Wood has been tremendous to work with as we partner to develop our next generation of golfers. The Waynesville Golf Program would like to especially thank the club pro, Joe Manucci and his staff for their continued support.
We had 10 schools represented with a total of 8 teams able to complete the four scoring areas to compete at the team level. The tournament used scores from two medal stroke players, one best ball team, and one 2-man scramble team. Out of the cold and sunny sky (sorry, I just watched an old episode of the Lone Ranger) came the Lebanon Yellowjackets to take home the first place plaque with a score of 307. Lebanon's Tryn Titus was the medal play winner with a great score of 2 over par 74. Lebanon's best ball team of Hayden Brogdon and Houston Bracket won the best ball event with a 79. Rolla's "A" team consisting of Cameron Copeland and Logan Choi won the 2-man scramble event with a 75.
The Tigers faired well as they finished at 395, good for a 5th place finish. The Tigers were led by Sophomore Aaron Choi in medal play with a 96. The team of Ahmed Amjed and AJ Cabanes carded a 113 in the best ball event, and the team of Ben Pollman and Max Reyes came in with an 89 in the 2-man scramble event.
The Tigers still have a busy, windy week as they will play at Camdenton and Osage on Wednesday and Thursday respectively.