Tiger Athletics

Waynesville School district

Boys Varsity Tennis

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Boys Varsity Tennis vs. Osage HS

9.0 years ago @ 5:33AM
Game Date
Apr 30, 2015
TIGERSWaynesville MS/HS: 4

The Waynesville Tigers had a tough loss to Osage tonight, 4-5.  Despite their losses, Brian Fields and John Parker both had good matches in singles and doubles.  Osage has a very consistent team.  They don't do anything fancy.  They just get the ball back.  Playing with a team like that caused our boys to have to reevaluate their strategy a bit.  Brian and John both made comebacks in their matches after switching up their game plan a bit.  Unfortunately, Osage pulled through with the win in the end.  In addition, we've been working a lot on our aggressiveness.  I've seen just a ton of improvement from all the boys, but David Lund has really stepped up his game in this area.  David has been working on his net game a lot in practice and it's definitely showing out on the court.  David and partner, Steven Berrios, both came out with wins tonight in doubles (8-3) and singles (both 8-2) as a result.  When playing a consistent team like Osage, it's crucial to come out and remain control of each point.  David and Steven both did just that as they attacked the net and smashed many untouchable winners tonight.  I definitely enjoyed watching their exciting matches.  Robert Osborn also played a great match tonight defeating his opponent 8-2.  This was an improvement over his last dual with Jordan Wilson in the Waynesville Invitational where Robert took 3rd place in a 8-5 win.


With it being our Senior night tonight, we were able to recognize our 11 seniors who will be leaving us this year.  We will greatly miss such a great group of boys!  Seniors graduating are:

Kyle Roberts

John Parker

David Lund

Ricky Petitt

Jakob Miller

Brent Hudson

Cezar Roman

Alex Munoz

Ethan Dietz

Tristan Gallego

Hector Cruz



Robert Osborn vs. Jordan Wilson, 8-2

Kyle Roberts vs. Adam Schoening, 0-8

Brian Fields vs. Phillip Kirby, 6-8

John Parker vs. Roman Trowbridge, 3-8

David Lund vs. Dylan Martin, 8-2

Steven Berrios vs. Alex Keith, 8-2



Osborn/Roberts vs. Wilson/Trowbridge, 6-8

Fields/Parker vs. A. Schoening/Kirby, 4-8

Lund/Berrios vs. Martin/S. Schoening, 8-3
