Tiger Athletics

Waynesville School district

Girls Varsity Golf

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Girls Varsity Golf vs. Multiple Opponents

8.0 years ago @ 7:29PM | Rube Dowell
Game Date
Sep 14, 2016

The Lady Tigers played in the Eugene Invitational today at Redfield Country Club. The weather was fabulous and the ladies' play continues to set season low scores.

The 11 team tournament was won by Father Tolton Catholic High School with a  score of 385. The individual medalist was Amber Wilson of Camdenton with an even par 72.  Waynesville's Victoria Hooker took 3rd place with an 86. The Tigers team score was a season low 453.

Tee to green the ladies are much improved, but our short game is still a concern and must get better in order to get our scores down even further. Junior Karissa Keyes played more consistent today as she matched her tournament low of the year with a 113. Hana Hosick shot a 120 in her first tournament of the year and Paiton Quinones came in with another good performance with a 134. Catherine Roman was scratched due to illness.

Hooker was awesome today off the tee, but her struggles with getting the ball on the green from inside 100 yards and being overly aggressive on the greens putting continues to plague her. She works very hard, but puts way too much pressure on herself to hit every shot perfectly. Through her short game woes she remains very coachable as I keep reminding her that we are still practicing to prepare for districts on the 26th. She has set very high goals for herself this season and when she gets the wedge and putter under control she can easily be 5-10 strokes better in her scoring.

The Ladies will play again Friday at Rolla versus the Bulldogs and the Lebanon Yellow Jackets.
