Tiger Athletics

Waynesville School district

Girls Varsity Soccer

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Schellhase Hat Trick Beats Hawks

10.0 years ago @ 6:03AM

The article below was written by Nelson Morgan of Waynesville Athletic Gazette.

Game Date
Apr 18, 2014
TIGERSWaynesville MS/HS: 3

Jessica Schellhase scored a trio of goals within eight-and-a-half minutes in the first half to lead the Lady Tigers to a 3-0 soccer win over visiting Hazlewood Central on Friday.  The game had been back and forth with Waynesville having the best scoring opportunities when Schellhase caught up with a cross from Krystina Zabek with 12:28 left to open the scoring.  Six minutes later she took a pass from Emily Anderson on the left for her second goal.  The third again came from Zabek on the right with 3:53 remaining.  A fourth goal by Elizabeth Sisson late in the game was disallowed on an offside call.  Waynesville, playing without three regulars, disrupted Central's attacks again and again.  Goal keeper D'Anna Hasik made a save on the Hawk's only on-goal shot in the game. 
