Tiger Athletics

Waynesville School district

Girls Varsity Soccer

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Wild First Half Drops Tigers

10.0 years ago @ 9:11AM

The article below was written by Nelson Morgan of Waynesville Athletic Gazette.

Game Date
Apr 26, 2014
TIGERSWaynesville MS/HS: 5

Following a disheartening loss Friday night, the Lady Tigers allowed Mountain View Liberty to have its way early in the Saturday morning game and wound up losing the West Plains Consolation Semifinal game 6-5.  The Eagles scored the first three goals of the game before Camia Blash put the Tigers on the scoreboard.  Another Liberty goal seemed to ignite senior Jessica Schellhase who quickly scored three times before Liberty made it 5-4 at halftime.  Schellhase assisted Kaley Caracci on a second half goal, but Liberty also offset it for the win. 
