Tiger Athletics

Waynesville School district

Girls Varsity Tennis

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Girls Varsity Tennis vs. Richland R-4 HS School

8.0 years ago @ 7:50AM | Kayla Wilson
Game Date
Aug 26, 2016
TIGERSWaynesville MS/HS: 7

Waynesville Tennis had another great night on the tennis courts, taking Richland 7-2 overall.  Despite having so many matches this week and so little practice, my girls put forth great effort tonight and didn’t let their exhaustion get the best of them.  One of the best matches of the night took place on court 5 with Helene Houston.  Helene started the match off just below her opponent and held there for most of her match.  Going back and forth for game wins, Helene trailed by just one up until the end.  Helene has such a good attitude.  No matter what the score is, she fights!  And, she always does it with a great, positive attitude.  When everyone else may be down and struggling, we can always depend on Helene to be positive and pull us out of a slump.  That’s exactly what she did for herself tonight.  I definitely wouldn’t say Helene ever hit a “slump” tonight.  But despite being behind most of the game, Helene never stopped fighting.  Halfway through this close match, Helene told me that this match would end in a tiebreaker.  She was bound and determined to take this match.  But instead of waiting for that tiebreaker, she got the break she needed right at the end and took three game wins in a row for the 8-6 finish.  Despite the loss, Mykaela Baze and Ryhia Stevenson had a great match as well at #2 doubles.  These girls put away so many smashes at net tonight that you would’ve thought they had everything under control.  However, Richland played a great lob game and really hurt us on the baseline.  Tiger Tennis finally has some rest before taking the road to compete against the always-impressive Jeff City Jays on Monday.



Lindzie King vs. Meagan Domingue, 8-1

Mollie Henry vs. Carson Pemberton, 8-4

Mykaela Baze vs. Brittany Latham, 8-6

Ryhia Stevenson vs. Lydia Novak, 5-8

Helene Houston vs. Kiley Cargill, 8-6

Chloe Trusty vs. Kelsey Bunnell, 8-2



King/Henry vs. Domingue/Novak, 8-0

Baze/Stevenson vs. Pemberton/Latham, 5-8

Houston/Trusty vs. Cargill/Bunnell, 8-5
