Tiger Athletics

Waynesville School district

Boys 8th Grade Football

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Boys 8th Grade Football vs. Smith-Cotton Jr. HS

8.0 years ago @ 1:52PM
Game Date
Sep 29, 2016
TIGERSWaynesville MS/HS: 54

The 8th Grade Football team won their home opener 54-14 and this makes them 3-0 for the season. S. Sumter returned a kickoff for a touchdown and J. Eley returned a punt for a touchdown. On defense, J. Momoh, C. Bancroft, J. Hyatt, and J. Linkous recked havoc on Smith Cotton's offense all night. K. Smith had two passing touchdowns both of which were to C. Phillips. A. Martin and K. Toran once again showcased their skills on the ground running behind their tenacious offensive linemen. Unfortunately the scheduled B game was cancelled. The Tigers are back on the road next Thursday traveling to Lebanon. 
