Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys 8th Grade Football vs. Bolivar Middle School
4.0 years ago @ 11:07AM
- Game Date
- Sep 10, 2020
- Score
- TIGERSWaynesville MS/HS: 14
The 8th Grade MS FB team traveled to Bolivar Middle School and was defeated by a score of 32-14. Michael Kelsey led the rushing attach for the Tigers and scored on the ground once. QB Brian Castro connected with WR Diego Cruz for another touchdown. Defensively, defensive lineman Ian Sheppard came up big with multiple tackle for losses along with MLB Anthony Cortesini keeping the Liberators from being able to successfully run in between the tackles. The Tigers are on the road next Thursday 9/17 where they will be playing the Rolla Bulldogs to start at 5:30PM.