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Tiger Athletics

Waynesville School district


Tiger Athletics

Waynesville School district

Tiger Athletics

Waynesville School district

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Game Summary

8.0 years ago @ 10:06AM

Boys Freshman Basketball vs. Multiple Opponents

Game Date
Dec 10, 2016

The Freshmen boys basketball team traveled to Osage Beach on Monday 12/5, Wednesday 12/7, and Saturday 12/10, for the School of Osage Freshmen boys basketball tournament. The boys played well and fought the entire week. Their hard work and determination paid off with a BIG WIN over Camdenton 58-43, in the championship game. The on court general Eric Morriss led his team with good passes and team leadership. Behind that leadership the team played great defense highlighted by Fred Claridy being able to shut down the point and on offense the leading scorer in the championship game was Shen Butler-Lawson with 20 points with Hunter O'Neil being a great Windex man with 15 rebounds. Overall, it was a great team win.