Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys Soccer vs. Nixa HS School
6.0 years ago @ 7:53AM
- Game Date
- Sep 20, 2018
- Score
- TIGERSWaynesville MS/HS: 1
It was a very exciting and close game between Waynesville and Nixa. Nixa ended up getting the win with a score of 2-1 in overtime. I can't say enough about how hard the Tigers worked and how well they worked together. Isaac Swanson had one of the best games of his career in net for the Tigers. Nixa put up 27 shots and had 16 corner kicks. Both goals for Nixa were from conner kicks. Isaac and the back line of Max Cordova, Riley Wright, Riley Clemons, Jakob Ungerecht, Nate Zabek, and James Choi stopped all 27 chances from the run of play. It was a fun and fair game to be a part of. The Tigers are going in the right direction.
Our goal was scored by Ryan Wilburn assisted by David Havlin
The JV Tigers won again with a 2-0 score against Nixa.