Game Summaries & Headlines.
Girls 7th Grade Basketball vs. Camdenton Middle School
7.0 years ago @ 9:33AM
- Game Date
- Jan 22, 2018
- Score
- TIGERSWaynesville MS/HS: 29
7th Grade Lady Tigers came out to play against Camdenton Lakers last night. The girls brought their Hardwood Hearts! In the "B" game the Lady Tigers never gave up and held the Lakers to a one basket game for a 15-17 loss. Angie Gonzales had a solid night of defense and Reagan Harrison controlled the ball both offensively and defensively. High scorers of the game were Lena Herman with 6 points and Grace Moore with 4 points.
"A" team trailed the Lakers at the end of the first quarter 8-2- then turned it up for the next 3 quarters - scoring 12 points in the 2nd. Kierra Martin snagged a few rebounds pushing the ball out and keeping fouls to a minimum. High Scorers were Queen Barrett with 8 points and Syaritta Gaiter with 13 points.
Please join the Lady Tigers in their last game of the season tonight at home against the Rolla Bulldogs